Our Story

It was a long journey

Finding a ring sling you can truly trust didn’t happen overnight. It started with an accidental find and took a lot of hard work (and a lot of hanging around) to achieve the softest, most comfortable and reliable crafted slings to your baby.

It all started when our nephew was about to be born and we wanted to offer him something different, practical, sustainable and above all meaningful. 

We thought about how babies were born and raised in the old days, but we also thought that even nowadays, in different cultures, the adult's body has an important part in the carrying of babies.

Bearing this in mind, we blended our strengths together and we tried our first sling (you can see it in photo below)... And we tried another one and still another one and another one... until we felt that we had found the perfect sling for you.

That is how WISEJOEY was born.