How to wear your sling

We are here to help you with every step of the way :) The first time you are going to use your ring sling, it can seem difficult. But then you can look at the images below, put the tips into practice, and you will be pro! And for an extra help, just contact us through :)

Carrying is Caring!



1. Place your sling on either shoulder with the rings on your chest. Keep the fabric flat, fan it diagonally across your back and under the opposite arm. Grab the tail of the fabric and starting at one of the edges, fold the end vertically like an accordion. Pull the tail up and through both rings.


2. Separate the two rings and pull the fabric over the top ring and under the bottom ring. Make sure that the fabric is evenly spread through the rings. Adjust the sling with the tail. Different parts of the tail will tighten different parts of the sling. The sling should have just enough slack to fit your baby, creating a pouch.


3. Rings should be high on the shoulder.


4. Place your baby’s tummy high on your shoulder, opposite the rings. 


5. Make sure your baby's body is correctly placed holding him/her with one hand and controlling the fabric with the other.

6. Pull the fabric up between your baby's legs. The baby should have a nice deep seat and his/her bum should be below his/her knees. Tighten the sling to make it secure. Pull the different parts of the tail to tighten each part of the sling. Now everything is ready to carry your baby in safety :)